‘Neerja’ — Inspirational & Awesome
NEERJA BHANOT: Sep 7, 1963 — Sep 5, 1986
I saw the movie Neerja yesterday. It about the life of Neerja Bhanot. Neerja Bhanot AC was a purser for Pan Am, based in Mumbai, India, who was shot while saving passengers from terrorists on board the hijacked Pan Am Flight 73 on 5 September 1986.
The film brings to light a lot of the exceptional qualities this young girl possessed at the time, which we all can learn from.
Commitment: Neerja was extremely committed to her job and duty and was willing to give up her life for it. This is the kind of passion we should possess for all our endeavors in our daily life. To save the lives of as many passengers as she could, she decided to leave the aircraft last and ended up getting shot because of this.
Learning from Experience: Neerja had gone through a traumatic marriage and as shown in the film, had learnt and applied a lot of the learnings from it as her life went on. This included never giving up, mustering up courage in times of hardship, not doing bad to others nor accepting the same and so on.
Courage: She was bold in her actions despite having armed terrorists on board and consistently tried to make well thought out moves to take control of the situation.
Human Kindness & Understanding: A quality I feel is important for a good leader to have. She not only overcame her own emotions, but also helped all other passengers stay calm and guided them during that distress situation.
I really enjoyed the movie and would advise all to go and watch the story of this brave and courageous girl who was committed to her duty till the very end and who reinstils the value of human kindness in mankind.
Originally published at etrlearning.blogspot.in on February 20, 2016.