New Year Resolutions for Fintech for 2017
The year 2017 will play an important role in the growth of Fintech. Some of the resolutions which will drive growth in this area are:
Address security concerns & strengthen backend infrastructure — both in the transaction as well as the platform. Businesses involving online transfers of money such as e-payments, online money transfers and crowdfunding carry the most risk.
Scale to compete with incumbents — scale will lead to economies which will further drive competitiveness.
Adhere to new regulation — with the rise of Fintech, regulators are becoming active in order to stay ahead of the curve. Fintech startups must find the right balance between providing a value-added service and adhering to regulation.
Build a profitable business model — building a profitable business is a necessity as it is not possible to forceful tactics to drive incumbents out of the market.
Enhance customer experience by ensuring promises are delivered — to get a foot into this space, a very high standard of service is required.
Enhanced usage of the blockchain — the advantages of a distributed ledger must be utilized as a tool to deliver enhanced value and build differentiation.